Wow! To look back at old photo's from college As and A2 certainly is a blast from the past but it really is wonderful to look back on your own work and see how far you have come and to see how your work and idea's and thoughts have all changed! These are a series of images from my A2 exam! It was tones of fun to do I had beautiful models including the lovely Kymberlynn Morgan here and my wonderful and truly inspiring tutor Kate Astbury!
Really strong directional lighting...inspired a lot by Irving Penn at the time with the high contrasts!
Lovely back lighting still a personal favourite in studio lighting!
The wonderful glamour shot faded colours high contrast for a high impact!
Extreme editing on Photoshop to express the artifice of models nowadays and how they are being portrayed. This is NOT a natural image in any way shape or form and is clearly a statement that over editing runs a very fine line and we have to ask it really necessary? Especially when you have a model as lovely as Kym!

Irving Penn inspired!
Beautiful lighting and stunning black and white it almost glows!
Gorgeous skin tones and lovely detail in the sequins and eyes...
Looking back on these images especially because I favoured them so much really stands to show how much we learn and change our taste every day!
I can see exactly where I have gone wrong e.g over editing on the eyes and a little too much use of contrasting on some images but overall I still think these are a lovely bunch of images and they definitely got me the grade I wanted in life !
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