So, this weekend was probably one of thee most needed weekends EVER! My mum came down to Newport from Manchester and we spent Friday to Sunday enjoying sight seeing, tasting, and photographing everything we possibly could! I was just the most relaxing yet exciting weekend I've ever had...Of course it made it all the more exciting knowing my mum was coming to share it with me.
The moment she arrived she loaded all of her luggage out of the car and on to me...naturally we had a challenge getting everything up the stairs and into my tiny box of a students bedroom! We laughed about her lovely new air bed which smelled extremely overpowering of the PVC...HEADACHE!! I think overall I must of made around 60 brews for my mum over those 3 short days! We watched movies, ate sweeties, we laughed and cried at the movies, 'Pitch Perfect', 'Kes', 'War Horse' and 'Bridesmaids'.
Our day out to Cardiff was the most fun filled day EVER and we loved every minute of it...and naturally it started out with us both in hysterics because of the sat-nav telling us 'Prepare to park your car!' in an ever so enthusiastic way! We took a trip round the beautiful Christmas markets, ate a lovely Greggs, went shopping and of course...the castle!
Cardiff castle was a brilliant open place for us to wonder round taking beautiful pictures and spending a generally lovely day just a mum and daughter!

Christmas decorations and lovely reds and greens surrounded us!

Beautiful coal fire, cooking the most delicious smelling sausages and burgers you could dream of!

I found the TARDIS! Of course....I just happened to be in Cardiff on the day of the 50th anniversary of DOCTOR WHO!
The streets of Cardiff were just captivating and beautiful! Look at those gorgeous bends in the architectural structure of the street.

Gorgeous creamy hot chocolates in the castle café before we head out into the cold crisp Winter air...Naturally Mum ruined hers by stirring the chocolate sprinkles off the foamy top!...My lovely one stayed intact! :P
My beautiful blonde mummy enjoying her scrumptious hot chocolate...after she ruined it -.- !

Then we played in the stocks! Everyone lining up for their tickets having a good old laugh at us being silly but who cares!

Beautiful blue skies and crisp fresh Winter air surrounded us in the wonderful place. A slight breeze and whole lot of gorgeous textures!

My mum is one of those people who is strong, independent, bubbly, out going, and just down right CRAZY!
She has an infectious laugh, and warm and caring embrace and lets not mention her really...don't.
Her hair is full of bubbles and can only be tamed by the power of hair straighteners, her little cute button nose can cheer any one up especially when she scrunches it up when she's being mischievous.
My mum is one of the most influential people I have ever known and probably ever will know...She knows just what to do when I am feeling down or am having one of my famous worry moments and she is there for me no matter what.
I love my mum and all of her silly moments and she most definitely made this trip a brighter one!

Such lovely colours on every tree! I must say autumnal trees are just a photographers DREAM!

Gorgeous colours in these magnificent stone walls!

Such eerie, golden lighting streaming in through these wonderful old windows with black metal framing!

Stunning Golden rooms with dreamy lighting flowing in through the windows.

This most intriguing library had my mum and I in awe at the sheer beauty and history that had been captured here...stunning woodwork and beautiful books with leather binding and of course the smell of the polish and leather was just a sensational addition to this gorgeous room!

Time to leave the nice warm inside and venture out into the cold to see what else we could explore!

Such a dream to capture these stunning colours on the trees of Cardiff! Beautiful sunlight and a simply magical blue sky!

These were the awful stairs of DOOM! We decided that we of course wanted to go higher in the tower and go right to the very top to see these wonderful views only to find that on these stairs of doom was a very tight spacing in which to move!...However we decided to ascend these incredibly tight winding stairs only to be road blocked by other visitors who were blocked as well....After about 5 minutes of waiting I saw the reason for the obstruction! People were coming DOWN these stairs as we were going up and we now passing their children down to us one by one in a hope of getting past this picture this is the best example of how exactly sized these stairs were! People were climbing their way down stepping on the most narrow of edges and I could almost barely watch! We eventually made it to the top however and felt a huge sigh of relief...and then we realised we had to get back down!!! :(

The tiny door which made mum look big for once! ♥

And then....We SAW IT!...THE TARDIS!!!!

and this beautiful tribute to 'The Abandoned Soldier'
This wonderful day really was proving to be the best day of my life. The scenery was breath taking, the colours were just amazing and the history behind everything we saw, touched, and of course...photographed made us both think how fantastic this place was and how it was so surreal to image that 2000 years of history was still being shown and displayed and how the public could freely walk around and view such wondrous things.

After the castle!...SHOPPING!!

Our day ended with a beautiful pink sunset (and us getting lost due to my poor navigation skills), and a lovely night cuddled up watching movies, eating a yummy take-away and of course...Popcorn and sweeties!!

The most perfect end to the most perfect day...♥
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